Gapped car
Gapped car

Italian: breccia (it) f, fessura (it) f, buco (it) m, passaggio (it) m.Hungarian: rés (hu), hézag (hu), nyílás (hu), hasadék (hu).German: Spalte (de) f, Ritz (de) m, Ritze (de) f.

gapped car

Galician: breca (gl) f, fenda f, fisga f, laño m, orgallo m, arro m.( hiatus ) : hiatus see also Thesaurus:pause.( vacant space or time ) : break, space, window see also Thesaurus:interspace or Thesaurus:interim.( opening that implies a breach or defect ) : space.( opening allowing passage or entrance ) : break, clearing, hole, opening see also Thesaurus:hole.( opening made by breaking or parting ) : break, hole, rip, split, tear, rift, chasm, fissure.( genetics ) An unsequenced region in a sequence alignment.( Australia ) (usually written as "the gap") The disparity between the indigenous and non-indigenous communities with regard to life expectancy, education, health, etc.Under bulk billing the patient does not pay a gap, and the medical practitioner receives 85% of the scheduled fee. 2008, Eileen Willis, Louise Reynolds, Helen Keleher, Understanding the Australian Health Care System, page 5,.( Australia, for a medical or pharmacy item ) The shortfall between the amount the medical insurer will pay to the service provider and the scheduled fee for the item.An opening in anything made by breaking or parting.From Middle English gap, gappe, a borrowing from Old Norse gap ( “ an empty space, gap, chasm ” ), related to Danish gab ( “ an expanse, space, gap ” ), Old English ġeap ( “ open space, expanse ” ), Old Norse gapa ( “ to gape ” ) compare gape.

Gapped car